Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Mrs. Ribka Damanik (Medan)

Friday, December 31, 2010
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I give thanks to the Lord Jesus because He lets me bear witness about His goodness in my life who has persevered in committing three main services. He has helped my life many times, one of which in renewing my characteristics.
The renewal happens when He helps me in my disease.

My characteristics had been so bad before I committed three main servicesvia internet. I had been easy to be affected with panic, worry, doubt, and fear of revealing the truth in facing a condition.
The Lord let me experience test through disease, namely hyperplasia endometrium. I could see and experience the power of three main services via internet. The Word of God always said to me in my heart so I did not fear, worry, or panick at all, even I felt as if I did not have any disease so I could pray, worship God, and surrender myself fully to Him.

Actually, I had had the disease for many years, but it did not disturb my activity in committing three main services to the Lord.I believe that the power of God's Wordhas strengthened and enabled me passing through it.

About the true teaching Word, I often kept silent when I had to face something that was not in line with the true teaching Word I had received, but now I am brave to say No. I believe, as the pastor has said, that we have a hope to be renewed day by day as long as we are shepherded in committing three main services although I still have many weaknesses, but I do not want to abide in it.

I feel peaceful and joyful because of the three main services I commitsalthough facing many crises in my family, economy, and children matters.

This is my testimony and I hope it can be a blessing to glorify the Lord's name.


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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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