Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Mrs. Wita Mertes (Germany)

Thursday, December 31, 2015
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Peace in the love of Lord Jesus Christ.

First, I would like to give thanks to God that by His grace we are still alive and can bear witness of God's help and defensein my life and my family in 2015.

In mid 2015, we had a problem that came from our own brother that disturbed our peacein our family for a moment. Actually, we wanted to help him both physically and spiritually. Indeed, to do God's Word accordingly, it is really not easy; there are a lot of risks to face.

What we did to him was considered as a torture, we were considered as cruel, inhumane, and we were mocked, slandered, even threatened. At that moment, we panicked and I could not accept it, and in the end I was triggered and got angry. I tried to solve it with my own power, but I could not solve it and I became stressed because everything became so complicated. I was very sad and disappointed of my family's treatment to us. Luckily God's Word through our pastor's word reminded me to stay calmso that I could pray; be in silence and surrender everything to God and let Him fight for us. If we want to help others, we have to be ready to be hung.

I called the pastor to ask for his prayer; I reflectedand took away my sadness and disappointment in my heart towards my family and I asked for forgiveness to God, because I had used my own power. My heart became peaceful and we did not panic anymore because we believed that it was a blood sprinkle that we had to undergo so that we could have the glorious rainbow from God.

We (my husband, my children, and I) prayed together and surrendered everything to God. Let God's will happen. Praise the Lord, God's help and defense never came latenor too soon; everything was solved at His own time.

Second, I would like to testify about my health. A few years ago, I testified how God had healed me from a tumor in my womb so that I had not been operated. When I had gone to see the first doctor, he had said that I should have been operated, but when I had gone to see the second doctor, he had said that everything had been clean, there had been nothing left. Briefly, God has helped me.

A few months ago I had some pain in my stomachfor several times, and it always came during the service, especially during the sermon or worship. Some times, the pain was bearable, but one day I could not endure it and I went to the hospital.

After being checked, I had a tumor not in the womb, but in the ovary.
I gave thanks to God, the operation went well, only the tumor was removed and it was not a malign one. One thing that made me surprised at that time was what the doctor said to me after the operation. HE said that actually, by looking at the anatomy of my womb, it would have been impossible for me to have a child.

Indeed, I had waited for a child for about 5 years back then. I had tried to get some treatment, but it had not been fruitful. My doctor had said that I would not have been able to have a child, but he had advised me to continue the treatment. At that time, I had decided to stop the treatment with the doctor but I had continued my treatment with God.

I had surrendered everything to God, prayed, and believed that if God granted me to have a child, God would give it to us according to His will. A year after, God gave a child to usand now we have 2 children - one son and one daughter - from God. Through this operation, God wanted to make my hearttender and strong and of good courage, faithful and believe in His plan. Even though God let me through seemingly horrible things, something that was not in my plan, there was God's glorious rainbow behind it and He made everything beautiful.

Third, I would like to testify about my study. It was about 1.5 months that I could not follow my class due to my unstable health before and after the operation. I missed a lot of classes, and I got 6 exams that I had to catch upand the make-up exams were given on a specific time. I had to follow that rules and from the result, it would be decided whether I could take the final exam or not.

Actually, looking at my condition and ability, it was impossibleto catch everything, because I had to study a lot of things and there was not much time left. My friends pitied me and were worried about me, whether I could catch everything up or not.

I was in peace, I believed that I could do all things with God, nothing was impossible, and I raised my hand to ask for His help. That was all I did.
I used my time to be faithful in the services. I listened to God's Word and worshiped, so I had peace. I could study well; I felt so easy and light. I had no fear or worry to catch everything up, because God gave me extra powerand His help was real. Everything went well, there was no difficulty in answering the questions. The lecturers did not make anything harder, I passed the exams well and was let to take the final exam.

If God lets me, I will finish my study in March 2016. I still ask for the prayer of the pastor and his wife, as well as the whole church for the preparation of the end of my study. My family and I are always strong and of good courage, faithful, and our marriage is united in the true teaching.

We also give thanks for the support and prayer of the pastor and his wife for us, and also the prayer of the church. We cannot reply it, but may God reply.

Thank you, I hope that my testimony can be a blessing to us all.

Praise and glory be to God.

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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