Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Yakub Hardianto (GPT Kristus Kasih Malang-written when studying in Lempin-El Generation XXVIII)

Sunday, October 12, 2008
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Several years ago for about five years ago I have ever been helped by God.

One day when I went to Jambi City I met somebody. The man gave me something but he had brought me to a lonely place before he gave it.
Something that he gave me was made of wood, square and black with Arabic writing on it (in Indonesian may be jimat). The man forced me to receive it and I refused it. When I refused it, the man was very angry with me and he said "If you refuse it, you will be dead and your mouth will be blooding if you walk seven steps from here."

I became afraid after hearing that. Talking with him for a while, I left him and went. I started stepping one step by one step but when I walked in the sixth step I stopped for a moment. I prayed and called the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then I continued walking (it was on the seventh step). When I would step on the seventh step I say "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ." Oh.... wonderful, Almighty God because Jesus helped me. He never leaves me alone. When I walked on the seventh step everything was okay and good. Something bad did not happen to me.

I believe it was because the care of the Lord Jesus Christ. He always takes care for me wherever I am. Amen.


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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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