Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Ms. Artha Novena

Saturday, August 30, 2014
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I would like to testify God's mercy in my life.
I felt God's mercy when I was in the fellowship. I attended the fellowship from the first day to the last day, and God always opened His word that the strong sound of the trumpet was able to replace everything that had been lost.

I remember when the Holy Spirit Anointment Service would be conducted, I always wanted to attend it, but I went home to Depok, so I could not attend it. My mother then told me, 'let's listen to the online service so that we can get the anointment of the Holy Spirit again'. However, my relative came, so I could not listen to the online service.

On the fellowship in Kartika Graha, God's word always said about the strong sound of the trumpet that was able to return everything that had been lost. I felt that I had lost the anointment of the Holy Spirit in my life. I was filled up by the Holy Spirit when I was in the high school, but I did not know why I always felt so dry when I worshiped God.

I cried to God, "God, I want to be filled up again with Your Holy Spirit. I want to feel the first love like when I started to minister to You". I gave thanks to God. At that moment, I only said to God, "God, fill me up with Your Holy Spirit, I want to worship, I do not want to be dry when I worship You, I do not want to be spiritually dry, I am afraid". I prayed to God and I came to the altar call. At that moment, I felt the anointment of the Holy Spirit and God filled me up with the Holy Spirit, I could worship God and I felt so happy like never before.

I gave thanks to God, as He filled me up with the Holy Spirit and I was allowed to worship Him. It was God's mercy in my life. God has replaced what I have lost.
I believe that God is able to replace everything that was lost, both spiritually and physically.
May God's name be praised and glorified.
God blesses us.


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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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