Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Rulli Krisnanda
Sunday, September 13, 2015
God never lies

... because I had a lot of spare time the activities in Malang were only until p. m. . For the rest of the day usually I went home slept or hung out if I did not have any money left I spent my time watching TV or sleeping even I tended to ...

Mrs. Yohana Agustina
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Being shepherded is beautiful

... who had to be hospitalized because they could not walk when they came home from school. When my son's ASTO was tested we were afraid that the result would have still been positive. We struggled - as Ezra my son learnt to fast for this problem - because we were ...

Mr. Irfan
Sunday, January 11, 2015
My life was saved by the prayer of my wife and my children

... until I got God's warning through things I felt it myself. After I swam in Kenjeran I took a bath and I do not know why I became unconscious and I fell at the bathroom and I was brought to the ICU. My knee was sutured and I lost teeth. I ...

Ms. Melly (Surabaya)
Sunday, January 10, 2016
The power of True God's Word in the Shepherding

... because I had not been healthy before I went to the church. I thought if I had not come it would have been a lost for me because it was the last All Night-Long Prayer Service in . Praise the Lord I could attend the service and God gave me ...

Ms. Warniancy Ariesty
Sunday, August 31, 2014
God's goodness and mercy in my life

... in Jakarta. When I was working for my bachelor thesis my advisor asked me to use a research method which was not commonly used I did not understand it and I had never studied it before. He asked me to change everything in my thesis' proposal and I could not ...

Saturday, March 01, 2014
The Word Makes Me Patiently Wait for the Time of God

... said that we inventoried small testimonies. Consequently God made my left eye return to blur like previous time. But I thank God for giving me opportunity to testify something that looks small and I do not want to be negligent anymore. Since last year I struggled to God that He returned the things ...

Monday, January 13, 2014
God Will Plead Us If We Live in Righteousness

... heard bad news about the lecturer. I tried not to make any problem with the lecturer. I tried to do the task and presentation for the subject well even with all my best. The lecturer never returned the task quiz and presentation so I did not know the result and ...

Monday, January 13, 2014
God Pleads My Struggle to Minister to Him

... not get it in my previous church. I just thought to serve God and heard the Word for all the time but I did not realize that the Word is not only to be heard but done. I had ministered at my previous church about five years but in the last two ...

Mrs Wita Mertes - Germany
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
God Does Not Fool

... not realize up to the service and ministry to God. There were three emphasized things in the Word of God in that were repeated for me namely peace fully surrendering to God or obedience and good courage or strong heart. While I was persevering in doing the three main services to ...

Sunday, July 08, 2012
The Power of God Becomes More Actual in My Limitation

... also dimly because the retina is fold. There is no equipment to make the surgery in Indonesia. The retinaexpert doctor in Japan the best one in the world also gives up because the fold is right in the eye. If there is any fault in the surgery it will totally ...

Tuesday, June 07, 2011
God's Mercy and Miracle

... went there the priest in Poso had phoned and told me that there was internet provider in Poso which was willing to help. I thought from the equipments that it used satellite. I had never used such equipments and I confused what I had to bring to go there. But ...

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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