Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Sonya Tayomi Hendra
Saturday, August 09, 2014
God has arranged my study

... and pastor did not permit it. I was angry at that time but then I could be meek and tried to be obedient. Not so long time after that Mrs. Wita in Germany offered me to study German there for one year without paying any money. I agreed and went ...

Sunday, March 09, 2014
The Power of The Teaching Word and the Intercession Prayer of a Pastor

... was a car that made a U-turn. The driver did not see me when he did that and I crashed to the car. However I still got God's mercy. I had some wounds on my left arm and then I called our pastor. At that time he was on his ...

Monday, January 13, 2014
God Pleads My Struggle to Minister to Him

... not get it in my previous church. I just thought to serve God and heard the Word for all the time but I did not realize that the Word is not only to be heard but done. I had ministered at my previous church about five years but in the last two ...

Maria Tjandrawidjaja
Sunday, January 12, 2014
The True Teaching Word Gives Everything for Me

... be cursed . Since I did not give the tithes of my brother that was entrusted to me immediately I have to experience money deficiency for a while. I ever lived with minimum money and it was really like a curse. About the Word God never lies . It is ...

Mrs Wita Mertes - Germany
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
God Does Not Fool

... not realize up to the service and ministry to God. There were three emphasized things in the Word of God in that were repeated for me namely peace fully surrendering to God or obedience and good courage or strong heart. While I was persevering in doing the three main services to ...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The Power of God’s Accompaniment in My Life

... and His accompaniment in our life when we can bear witness. It means that we will stay in the same level without any increase if we do not bear witness when God has blessed us. The first thing I want to bear witness is about my disease in . I ...

Sunday, July 08, 2012
The Power of God Becomes More Actual in My Limitation

... also dimly because the retina is fold. There is no equipment to make the surgery in Indonesia. The retinaexpert doctor in Japan the best one in the world also gives up because the fold is right in the eye. If there is any fault in the surgery it will totally ...

Dianing Noviyanti
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
God's Plan is Good

... minister to God We can only cry and hope in God s Word. We have to let God work. Maybe it takes long time but it is due time. There are two things I want to testify as follows. It has happened longtime ago because of God s help. I give ...

Mrs. Wita Mertes (Germany)
Friday, February 24, 2012
The Plan of God is Always Good

... which would be gone. After some days I felt my lower stomach became more and more painful. I prayed to ask the help of God. I followed Prayer Service at that time and the Word emphasized me about Faith and the Work of Faith . Faith without any work would become death ...

Mrs. Wita Mertes (Germany)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
God is Good

... by day because of shepherding Word preached repetitively. The shepherding Word corrected repaired and managed my private life in my friendship and marriage especially in my position as a wife. There were many of my bad characters such as getting angry and having stress fast not having patience but anxiety and ...

Mrs. Wita Mertes (Germany)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Mercy and Grace of God

... was all because of the mercy of God. Praise the Lord He has helped in all matters. I want to give testimony about the help and the grace of God I received and experienced here with my family especially in the visit service to Europe last June. Actually my longing has become ...

Renny Indrawati
Saturday, July 09, 2011
The More Obeying and Surrendering to the Lord

... traumatic for me because I had repeated my research many times to get my Bachelor degree three years ago because my research topic had had to be changed many times. I had been accepted to study in my university without any test but it was difficult to go out of ...

Ningsih (Mrs. Philipus)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Living in the Grace of God

... on Tuesday. At that time there was a longing in my heart to do the service fully via live-broadcast. I prepared all matters early in the morning on Tuesday. After the second session at . p. m. I felt my body sick and got headache. I thought at that time that ...

Renny Indrawati
Friday, December 31, 2010
God's Accompanying and Protecting through Shepherding Word

... shepherded well Jesus as Great Shepherd will be able to do all things in our physical and spiritual life. The Lord has helped me so I could get internet access not more than six days after my arrival in dormitory. There was no internet facility in the dormitory where I lived ...

Mrs. Wita Mertes (Germany)
Friday, December 31, 2010
God Never Fools Us

... committed fellowship in Papua. The air craft from Jakarta to Germany had a damage which could not be known. I heard information that the air craft had to stop before it took off. We were curious because of it. The pilot then announced that there was damage in the air craft ...

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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